/ About Us / Goodwill in the professional community

We are committed to help advance the professional community with goodwill contributions through professional foundations and lectures in universities, schools and industrial associations.

Goodwill contributions of EU Food Comply to the advancement of the professional community are:


European Institute for Food Law (EFLI)

EFLI is a non-profit foundation that aims to advance the level of expertise on food law, at national, European and global level.


Leniger Bruin Kuhn Fund

The Leniger Bruin Kuhn Fund is a non-profit foundation at Wageningen University whose objective is to improve the knowledge and skills of students and professors of food science and technology.


Nutrition Leadership Programmes – Europe and Africa

The Nutrition Leadership Programmes serve to develop, inspire and connect leaders to advance nutrition and health.


Guest lectures at non-profit professional organisations

Team members of EU Food Comply often contribute with guest lectures at universities, industrial associations and other organisations. We have lectured in Japan, South Korea, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Sierra Leone, Russia, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, France, United Kingdom, USA, South Africa, Australia and other countries.

At present we are offering free lectures on the topic “Importing food into the EU”, based on our collaborative, pan-European study on EU entry documents and requirements with Wageningen University. Inquiries: Contact….


ii Innovation Institute

At present we are involved in the creation of the “ii Innovation Institute”, whose aim is to help develop and bring industrial innovation management knowledge to company managers in developing countries.