EU Food Law Handbook. With the contribution of 21 authors and co-authors. Editor: B.M.J. van der Meulen. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
The functional field of food law. Editors: A. Urazbaeva, A. Szajkowska, B. Wernaart, N. T. Franssens and R. Spirovska Vaskoska. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
Private food law: governing food chains through contracts law, self-regulation, private standards, audits and certification schemes. Meulen, B.M.J. van der . Wageningen Academic Publishers, Netherlands
The General Food Law and EU food legislation. Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Velde, M. van der (2011). In: EU Policy for agriculture, food and rural areas / Oskam, A., Meester, G., Silvis, H. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Food chain partners and the application of premarket approval schemes in EU food legislation. Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Bremmers, H.J.; Wijnands, J.H.M.; Poppe, K.J. (2010). In: 9th Wageningen International Conference on Chain and Network Management (WICaNeM), Wageningen, The Netherlands, 26-28 May 2010. Wageningen Academic Publishers, WICaNeM 2010, Wageningen.
Reconciling food law to competitiveness. Report on the regulatory environment of the European food and dairy sector. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2009). Wageningen Academic Publishers.
European food law handbook. Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Velde, M. van der; Szajkowska, A.; Verbruggen, R. (2008). Wageningen Academic Publishers, European Institute for Food Law series 2.
Applied European food law in industrial food innovation. Kuhn, M.C. (2008). EU Food Law in Practice series (lecture), University of Costa Rica.
EU food law in product development. Kuhn, M.C. (2007). EU Food Law in Practice series (lecture), Wageningen University, Netherlands.
The Functional Foods Dossier: Building Solid Health Claims. How to prepare the scientific dossier for health claims of European functional foods. Practical Industrial Guide. Korver, O., Kuhn, M.C., Richardson, D. (2006, revised second edition). Foodlink Forum books, Netherlands.
Using Health and Science to Market Foods in Europe. Kuhn, M.C. (2005). In: ‘Harnessing NPD & PLM to Drive Innovation in the Food & Beverage Industry’. Marcus Evans Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Mastering the Future: European Functional Foods and Drinks. Kuhn, M.C. (2005). In-company lecture. Switzerland.
EU Food Law in Practice: Introduction to Food Law in Product Development. Kuhn, M.C. (2005). EU Food Law in Practice series. EU Food Law in Practice series (lecture), Wageningen University.
The Functional Foods Dossier: Building Solid Health Claims. How to prepare the scientific dossier for health claims of European functional foods. Practical Industrial Guide. Korver, O., Kuhn, M.C., Richardson, D. (2004 and revised edition 2006). Foodlink Forum books, Netherlands.
European Food Law & Industrial Product Development. Kuhn, M.C. (2004). EU Food Law in Practice series (lecture), Wageningen University.
Food Safety Law in the European Union. An introduction. Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Velde, M. van der (2004). European Food Law Institute serires. Wageningen Academic Publishers •Getting to Solid Health Claims for Functional Foods in Europe. Kuhn, M.C. (2004). Lecture at Health Ingredients Japan conference.
State of the European Functional Foods Market 2004. Kuhn, M.C. (2004). Lecture at Health Ingredients Japan conference.
State of the European Functional Foods Market 2004. Kuhn, M.C. (2004). In-company lecture. South Korea.
Food Law at the Workbench. European Food Legislation for Industrial Food Developers. Kuhn, M.C. (2003). EU Food Law in Practice series (lecture), Wageningen University.
State of the European functional food market 1999. Kuhn, M.C. (1999). Foodlink Forum books. Industry special report.
Allergens in law – European legislation assessed against the preferences of food allergic consumers. Hendriks, M.J.; Frewer, L.J.; Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2011). European Food and Feed Law Review 2011 (2). – p. 74 – 87.
Prior authorisation schemes: trade barriers in need of scientific justification. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2010). European Journal of Risk Regulation 1 (4). – p. 465 – 471.
The system of food law in the European Union. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2009). Deakin Law Review 14 (2). – p. 305 – 339.
Administrative Burdens and dairy industry competitiveness. Bremmers, H.J.; Poppe, K.J.; Wijnands, J.H.M.; Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2008). In: Proceedings of the 12th EAAE Congress on People, Food and Environments: Global Trends and European Strategies, Ghent, Belgium, 26-29 August 2008. – Ghent, Belgium : EAAE, 12th EAAE Congress.
Quality of EU food law and its impact on businesses. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2008). Brussels : UEAPME, 2008-02-28.
Consumer Information regulation. Simplifynig the Law, Informing the Consumer? Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2008). Amsterdam : EFFL, 2008-10-10 •Development of food regulation in the EU. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2008). Ljubljana, Slovenia : EFFoST, 2008-11-05
Food legislation and competitiveness in the EU food industry. Case studies in the dairy industry. Poppe, K.J.; Wijnands, J.H.M.; Bremmers, H.J.; Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Tacken, G.M.L. (2008). The Hague : Wageningen UR, LEI, (EU Report Enterprice and Industry ref. no. ENTR/2007/020)
Regulating GM food: three levels, three issues. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2007). In: The Regulatory Challenge of Biotechnology. Human Genetics, Food and Patents / Somsen, H., . – Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, (Biotechnology Regulation Series)
EU food legislation as perceived by industry. Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Bremmers, H.J. (2007). In: Competitiveness of the European food industry – an economic and legal assesment / Wijnands, J.H.M., Meulen, B.M.J. van der, Poppe, K.J., . – Luxembourg : Office for Official Publication of the European communities.
The coming regulatory regime for food innovation. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2007). Burgos, Spain : European Integrated Project NovelQ, workshop, 2007-10-23
Scientific substantiation of health claims – the soft core of the claims regulations. Povel, C.; Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2007). European Food and Feed Law Review 2 (1). – p. 82 – 90.
European Functional Foods: Challenges Beyond the Regulatory Milestone. Kühn, M. C. (2007). Food Highlights Nr. 15: 1-11.
Millefeuille. The emergence of a multi-layered controls system in the European food sector. Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Freriks, A.A. (2006). Utrecht Law Review 2 (1). – p. 156 – 177.
Introduction to International Food Law. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2006). Wageningen : European Dairy week, 2006-03-23
Modern european food safety law. Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Velde, M. van der (2006). In: Safety in the agri-food chain / Luning, P.A., Devlieghere, F., Verhé, R., . – Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers.
“European Issues in Functional Food Business Development”. Viewpoint – Functional Foods. Kennedy’s Confection, January 2006.
Legislation and food innovation. Meulen, B.M.J. van der; Velde, M. van der (2005). In: Innovation in Agri-Food systems. Product quality and consumer acceptance / Jongen, W.M.F., Meulenberg, M.T.G., . – Wageningen : Wageningen Academic Publishers.
The new EU regulatory framework for GM food (Part I). Procedural aspects: safety assessment, authorisation and administrative review. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2005). Journal of International Biotechnology Law 2 (3). – p. 117 – 122.
Science based food law in the Netherlands? The Dutch Regulatory framework for risk analysis in food. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2005). In: Conference Uncertain risks regulated: national, EU and international regulatory models compared, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 11-12 February 2005. – Maastricht : Universiteit Maastricht, Uncertain risks regulated: national, EU and international regulatory models compared.
The new EU regulatory framework for GM food (Part II). Traceability labelling and enforcement. Meulen, B.M.J. van der (2005). Journal of International Biotechnology Law 2 (4). – p. 158 – 162.
The Becel Pro-activ case. Kuhn, M.C. (2004). Food Highlights 9.
Functional Foods: Update on European Health Claim Legislation 2003″. FH 7, October 2003.
Highlights from the European Health Claim Forum 2003. Kuhn, M.C. (2003). Food Highlights Nr. 7.